Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research
About this Project
For three years, I worked as a researcher at the Laboratory for Educational Innovation Research (Moscow). During this period, I analysed the educational innovation ecosystem in Russia and the digitalisation of educational systems in South Korea, Singapore, Estonia, Germany, and Hungary. Additionally, I contributed to the development of multiple surveys focused on educational innovations, conducted over 20 research interviews, and participated in the organisation of a Competition of innovations in education.
Diana Koroleva
Anastasia Andreeva
Tatiana Khavenson
Koroleva, D. and Naushirvanov, T., 2021. Digital Countries: особенности цифровизации образования в России, Венгрии и Германии. Образовательная политика, (3), pp.108-120. (Digital Countries: A Comparative Analysis of the Features of Digitalisation of Education in Russia, Hungary, and Germany). Link (in Russian)
Korolieva, D., Khavenson, T., Akaeva, K. and Naushirvanov, T., 2020. Interaction of the Russian schools with EdTech companies during the mass transition to distance learning. Monitoring of Education Markets and Organizations (MEMO), (14), pp.1-9. Link
Naushirvanov T. (2020) Цифровизация образования: опыт Эстонии, Сингапура и Южной Кореи (Digitalisation of Education: Cases of Estonia, Singapore and South Korea). In: Тенденции развития образования. Как спланировать и реализовать эффективные образовательные реформы: матери- алы XVII ежегодной Международной научно-практической конференции (Москва, 13–15 февраля 2020 г.).М: Издательский дом Дело, РАНХиГС, 2020. С. 40-50.
Koroleva D., Naushirvanov T. (2020) Экосистема развития инноваций российского образования: инфраструктурные харакеристики (The ecosystem of innovations in Russian education: infrastructural features). Link (in Russian)
Trends in Educational Development (Moscow), 18-20 February 2021
Report: Digitalisation of education in Russia, Hungary and Germany: comparison of existing strategies and their impact on practices during COVID-19
Trends in Educational Development (Moscow), 13-15 February 2020
Report: Digitalisation of Education: Cases of Estonia, Singapore and South Korea